Why a well-designed visual identity is crucial to the success of your business and how to build a strong visual identity for your company.

Visual identity is the construction of various graphic and visual elements to communicate a brand's concept, values and market positioning to its audience. Some of these brand elements are: name, logo, product packaging and more. In this blog, I will explain everything you need to know about a company's visual identity and how to build it.

First, we need to know what visual identity is and what its components are.

Visual identity is a construction of various graphic and visual elements responsible for creating an atmosphere about who the company is, what its values are and even how the world and society looks from its perspective. Some of the main elements that make up the development of a visual identity are the logo, typography, its colour palette, outreach materials (flyers, posters and outdoors, for example) and, more recently, social media elements such as post images, avatar and cover.

What are the benefits of having a visual identity and a visual identity manual?

Visual identity is an important tool for any business as it helps to establish a strong market presence and differentiate itself from the competition. In addition, a well-designed and consistent visual identity can help improve brand perception and increase consumer confidence. A visual identity manual is a guide that sets out the rules for the correct use of the elements of a company's visual identity. It helps to ensure that the brand is presented in a consistent and professional manner at all customer touch points.

Why is a well-designed and unique visual identity so important?

A well-designed and unique visual identity is important because it helps to establish a strong presence in the marketplace and differentiate from the competition. In addition, a consistent and well-designed visual identity can help improve brand perception and increase consumer confidence. A well-designed visual identity can also help to convey the brand's values and personality. Therefore, it is important that a company's visual identity is unique and consistent so that it can be easily recognised and remembered by consumers.

And if we don't take this into account, what could happen?

If a company does not have a well-designed and consistent visual identity, it can be difficult for consumers to remember and differentiate it from the competition. This can lead to a decrease in consumer confidence and ultimately a decrease in sales. This can be due to a variety of factors, such as the quality of their products or services, their price, their location, and so on. Although there are some companies that have been successful without having their own visual identity, this is rare and not recommended. Overall, a well-designed and consistent visual identity is important for the long-term success of any business.

Case studies

Here are some case studies of companies that have been successful thanks to their well-designed and coherent visual identity:


Apple is known for its minimalist and elegant visual identity, which is reflected in its logo and product design. Apple's visual identity is consistent across all customer touch points, helping to convey the brand's values and increase consumer trust.


Coca-Cola is known for its iconic logo and red and white colour palette. Coca-Cola's visual identity is consistent across all customer touch points, helping to convey the brand's values and increase consumer trust.


Nike is known for its iconic logo and its slogan "Just Do It". Nike's visual identity is characterised by its sporty, innovative and motivational spirit. Its logo, known as the "Swoosh", is an iconic symbol that represents these values and has become one of the most recognised logos in the world. The use of colour in Nike's visual identity is essential to convey emotions and create a strong visual identity. Nike has carefully chosen the colour black for its logo, which conveys elegance, power and authority. In addition, white is frequently used to create a sharp, minimalist contrast.

How to build a visual identity?

Building a visual identity is a process that involves the creation of various graphic and visual elements to communicate a brand's concept, values and market positioning to its audience. To build a visual identity, it is important to follow the following steps:

  1. Research: Before starting to design, it is important to research the market, the competition and the target audience. This will help ensure that the company's visual identity is unique and consistent with its target audience.
  2. Conceptualisation: In this stage, the concepts and ideas that will be used to create the company's visual identity are developed. This may include creating sketches and exploring different design options.
  3. Design: At this stage, the graphic and visual elements that make up the company's visual identity are created. This can include designing the logo (which I have a free course on if you want to design your logo), selecting the typography and creating the colour palette.
  4. Implementation: At this stage, the company's visual identity is implemented at all customer touch points. This may include the creation of outreach materials, the creation of social media profiles and the implementation of the visual identity on the company's website.

It is important to keep in mind that building a visual identity is a complex process that requires specialised skills and knowledge. Therefore, it is advisable to hire a professional brand designer to build a company's visual identity.

Materials and resources that may help

If you are an entrepreneur with little or no design knowledge, there are several resources and materials that can help you create designs and better understand their importance and how to build them. Some of these resources are:

  • Books: There are several books on brand design and visual identity building that can help you better understand the process.
  • Online courses: There are several online courses that can help you learn design and visual identity building skills. Like this course: Introduction to Graphic Design for non-designers.
  • Templates: There are several design templates available in some tools such as Canva, Desygner and Adobe Express online that can help you create visual identity elements such as outreach materials.
  • Design tools: There are several design tools available online that can help you create visual identity elements such as outreach materials, such as Canva, Desygner and Adobe Express for example.

In short, visual identity is an important tool for any business, helping to establish a strong market presence and differentiate itself from the competition. A well-designed and consistent visual identity can help improve brand perception and increase consumer confidence. In addition, a visual identity manual is a guide that sets out the rules for the correct use of the elements of a company's visual identity. This helps to ensure that the brand is presented in a consistent and professional manner at all customer touch points.

To build a strong visual identity, it is important to follow these steps: research, conceptualisation, design and implementation. And it is always advisable to hire a professional brand designer to build a company's visual identity.

I hope you have found this guide helpful in understanding the importance of visual identity and how to build it. If you are interested in getting more information like this I suggest you follow me on my social networks or subscribe to my newsletter for more informative content.

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