In this section of my website, I hope to provide you with practical, useful and meaningful information, through my experience and unique perspective, that I hope will allow you to learn and grow with me.

I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them!

Choose the perfect brand name for your company.

I will explain everything you need to know about brand, company or product naming for companies and businesses.

Verbal Identity is the key language of any brand.

Discover in this post everything you need to know about Verbal Identity, one of the fundamental pillars of any brand's success.

Visual identity is crucial to the success of any brand.

In this post, I explain everything you need to know about a company's visual identity and how to build it.

The art of creating logos: everything you need to know.

Learn everything about company and business logos that set apart and create long-asting impacts.

Corporate typeface improves brand perception and success.

Corporate typography is not only about good looks, it is also about legibility and brand personality. Learn it with this post.

The Colour of your brand: how to Choose the Right Colours.

It seeks to create an emotional connection with its audience and to convey its values, personality and brand philosophy.

Branding is the key to any Business Success.

Creating and developing a brand to make it known to an audience, through its corporate identity, its messages and its purpose.

Storytelling creates an emotional connection.

In the business world, Storytelling is used to create an emotional connection with the audience and convey brand values.

Copywriting and Verbal Identity increase you sales.

I'll show you how you can create a good verbal identity and how this can help you improve your Copywriting.

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It's time to transform your brand. Make it happen !

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It's a free three-day daily email course where I will guive you three easy steps to help you design your own logo.

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